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The Inner Circle Guide to 
Omnichannel Workforce Optimization

ContactBabel Report

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Enghouse Interactive (EI), a subsidiary of Enghouse Systems Limited (TSX: ENGH), is a leading global provider of contact center software, services, and video solutions, serving thousands of customers for over 35 years. Enghouse Interactive solutions enable customers to deliver winning customer experiences by transforming the contact center from a cost center into a powerful growth engine. Enghouse Interactive’s core values – Reliability and Choice – are key differentiators in the global marketplace. Reliability speaks to Enghouse Interactive’s reputation for consistently honoring its commitments to its customers, staff, partners, and investors. Choice is reflected in the unparalleled breadth of its CX portfolio, which enables customers to choose from a wide array of solutions, whether deployed on-premise, in the cloud, or on a hybrid platform. By leveraging a broad range of technologies and capabilities based on open standards, Enghouse Interactive simplifies the advanced integrations customers require. Respecting local regulatory requirements, and supporting any telephony technology, Enghouse Interactive ensures that its customers can be reached by their customers – anytime, anywhere, and via any channel.

The need to improve both the customer experience and agent job satisfaction cost-effectively is a driving force for all customer-facing operations - regardless of size. This is only possible with a properly staffed contact center, and Workforce Optimization (WFO) is the way to achieve this.

In recent times cloud-based solutions have opened up new opportunities for smaller operations to take advantage of WFO/WFM technology, and contact center analyst ContactBabel reports that the uptake in this sector of the market has been significant.

This guide, sponsored by Enghouse Interactive, uses industry research to explore the function and benefits of Workforce Optimization and Workforce Management, which include:

  • Improving agent skills and experience and the quality of interactions
  • Increasing customer satisfaction
  • Reducing the cost of service through efficiency
  • Understanding interactions and improving the efficiency of associated business processes

The Inner Circle Guide to Omnichannel Workforce Optimization